Thursday, February 24, 2011

In Session.

I have begun my therapy at the Mental Health clinic on post. And so another journey begins, into the deep dark abyss of highly trained professionals and boxes upon boxes of tissues.

This blog is going to keep a record of the different struggles I face on a daily/weekly basis. And perhaps along with the appointments with my Psychologist, this blog will transition into a more organized, happier Cheri. One that has a more confident head on her shoulders, able to run headstrong over any emotional obstacle.

Unfortunately this blog was created during my lunch hour, and my lunch is over.


The Author said...

We are going to have to get together one day and write a book. Between the two of us, the mental health community of therapists and such we have something... I know we do...

Thinking of You,

Love Me

Dre said...

I'm totally up for it. :)