After taking my diagnostic PT test this morning, I've come to the conclusion that a female NCO isn't very fond of me. I haven't done anything to upset her throughout my time here at Fort Sill, but she looks at me like I kicked her dog.
The diagnostic PT test isn't a record, so whatever score you get, it doesn't count. There are 2 mandatory record PT tests a year that everyone Armywide must take. After the meeting I had last week with our Detachment Sergeant and another SFC about reenlisting, I decided to barely try on my PT test. In order to pass the test, you must get 60 points in each event. The pushups, situps, and run. 180 points for me would be 17 pushups, 50 situps, and a 19:36 2 mile run.
I was in the pushup position, ready to go. They give you 2 minutes to do as many pushups as you can do, and I pushed out 20 and stood up. The NCOs were a little irritated that I didn't try to do better. 2 minutes of situps came, and I did 60. When I was at 50 I was going to quit, but instead I decided to pretend that the extra 10 were the most painful situps I've ever done, and sarcastically threw words out like "Oh my gosh, it hurts so bad! Wow, this is so hard!" The female said "Don't rest in the down position, if you do it again I'll terminate you." So I continued with the sarcasm and for the last few situps did 'rockies' as slow as I could. Rockies are when you rock back and forth on your way up.
After the sit ups, I felt triumphant among the soldiers around me. I hadn't done the run yet, and I already felt as though I'd slapped them in the face with my 'enthusiasm'. The run was done at around 17:30ish minutes, which gives me 80 points in that event. I was so mad that I did good on the run, the goal was to get 19 something, and barely pass.
Fortunately, that was the diagnostic, and the record will be a 180-200. NOT 217.
Fed up with the Army, I'm ready to get the hell out and soar like a bird, even if I have to struggle along the way.
187 days remaining.
When the weather gets a bit warmer we're going to the lake. I'm making everyone skip stones on the water because I heard somewhere that if you skip stones and hold your breath time will pass more quickly. Well, not really. But I'm starting this new lore just for you. <3
I haven't skipped stones since Kentucky last year. This summer I will do the same! For you!
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